Raising Timothys: Lessons from Portland

For the most part, life has its challenges, but that’s nothing new. You get used to it. I, however, did not realize I was in a slump until I actually took time off work and went away. I was physically, emotionally, and spiritually tired. Even if it was just for a weekend, Portland did wonders. The sights were wonderful – so much color and life…a whole new world…a dazzling place I never knew. If I did not get you to sing in your head the following lyrics to that song, I’ve failed. LOL. In all seriousness, it was a different world, and it was exactly what was needed for epiphanies and revelations. Sometimes, you get so immersed in the messiness of life that you need to take a step back to re-evaluate. I realized a few things.

One, living on a beach alone, no matter how beautiful the sunset or the ruins or the rocks and the caves or the waves, must be the loneliest feeling in the world. So much to appreciate, with no one to appreciate it with. Super blessed to have friends along for the ride.

Two, your friends losing you on a mountain might not be the best idea, especially if you’re not supposed to be hiking in the first place. But as I sat there, I could see the wide expanse of sky and tree tops and other mountain peaks. There’s just so much potential, so much hope.

Three, life goes on no matter how big or small the town is, and you find the most interesting innovations in the unlikeliest places.

Four, secrets never remain secrets and that I’m capable of swallowing my ego.

Five, and perhaps the most important of all, during times of Sabbath and rest, it’s wonderful to still be able to worship with fellow brothers and sisters. You’re reminded, as you visit other churches, that you’re all just part of one Church, one body across time and space…united, not only across geographic location but also across time, those who have come before us and those who will come after.

And that is where the point of this post is. There were those who came before, and there will be those who come after. We went to a church in Portland and the message that day was about Paul’s second missionary journey. Westside is a church focused on missions and it was apparent at how they have been moving in their communities and how their sister churches are being planted. The message that day was fitting, as they looked at their current state. The message focused on three main points.

First, God often brings new people for a new season. The speaker shared his experiences in starting a sister church, on how he’s never done anything remotely as huge as that, and how the other elders, separately, were moved to suggest the same – that he start the church. Along the way, God provided the right people at the right time. We may be going through something completely different but the same still applies. God often brings new people for a new season. God is ALWAYS faithful. There’s no use looking back because: (a) we can’t go back to the past and (b) God is doing a new thing, so with His lead, press on. If God is doing something totally different, there’s no use holding onto how you used to do things.

Second, God often speaks a new word that requires new levels of trust and obedience. God pushes the work forward, not the workers. He leads, we follow. This made me think, “Yeah, this is so true! If you insist on continuing to do things with how you were accustomed to doing them, then you’ll be following your own lead and boxed into your own limited vision, versus if you continue to follow God with every climb, descent, turn and maneuver, then it’s really Him you’re trusting and following, Him with the eternal view of where things really stand.” Pastor Zayas continued on to say that sometimes, the future is foggy. It’s okay to be wrong or confused, as long as you’re open to hear and listen to God’s voice. Ask yourself: Am I open to a word from God for my life? And if you are, don’t be surprised when God speaks to you. Realize that, maybe, just maybe, part of the frustrations you’re experiencing is due to the fact that you’re not listening.

Third, God often surprises us with unexpected favor. Paul was given two surprises – Luke joins the team and Lydia becomes a Christian. He was given Luke, a doctor who could patch him up when things got rough. He was given Lydia, an influential person/possible patron for their trek. God provided what was needed, and often in ways we do not expect.

Two more things to remember – what you do matters to God and what you “have” matters to God too. Nothing you do is too small that it’s insignificant, if given your all. Know that in Jesus, you are exactly where you are supposed to be. You don’t have to be in “full-time ministry” because your “secular” job is your ministry/mission field. What you have is not really yours but what you’re “in-charge/steward” over matters in the sense of how you manage it. Do you practice sacrificial giving? Do you give what’s expected or more? Don’t lead a mediocre life with a lack of commitment. If you’re going to do something, jump in, head, torso, limbs and all.

I’ve been reflecting on my current state a lot because I’ve also been spending a bit of time trying to think of how to raise Timothys. It’s been a burden on my heart for quite some time. I am thankful and blessed for those who have come before us who have started the work of instilling passion for God in us. However, truth be told, life happens and we don’t always get to keep our mentors (due to significant others, babies, health, or whatnot). As we collectively strive to remedy that need (yay for God and church leaders), we now approach a season where we recognize it is our turn to continue the life cycle and mentor others. It motivates me so much more to immerse myself further in God’s word to prepare myself for this new journey. God will bring new people for this new season. I need to strengthen my trust in Him and commitment to Him, so that my natural response would simply be obedience. Jump in and just be pleasantly surprised in His sustenance everyday. Acknowledge the fact that I will mess up for sure, but by His grace and wisdom, it will all work out. It is to His credit and glory that my broken self be used to help others grow.

Funny how God works. As of the writing of this post to the time when it is actually published (now), there’s been a progression of how God has moved. I don’t know if it’s because I’m fresh from a super awesome worship conference weekend, but…so much feels! More to come…